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Hacks For a More Productive Day while Working from Home

Being Productive is something I struggle with on a regular basis. Since the Lockdown, I have been working from home and it is hard to concentrate when you've got your phone in front of you and the bed is literally behind you. Relaxing and Working at the same time sounds like a good idea but doesn't really work out in the long term. Ultimately, you will find that the work you're getting done is getting diminished day by Day. In This Article, we'll discuss common and not-so-common ways that can help you get more work done in a more efficient and less stressful way.

1. DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF In the Myriad of the Zoom Meetings / Self-work, it's easy to. get stressed out easily and not care about mental health. No Amount of tips or technology is going to help you if you're stressed and not in a good headspace. Take your time to make sure your mind is in the right place when working and keep taking breaks.

2. Have a Designated Work Area

My Workspace

Define your workspace and let everyone in your home know about it and let them know that you are not to be disturbed when working. Doesn't matter if you're in the bedroom's corner or in your own office room. it just has to be comfortable enough that you feel compelled to work and not attracted to your bed. Another tip is to keep everything you would need ready to go. And Maintain Good posture.

3. Have a Morning Schedule (or a Consistent Daily Schedule)

My Morning/Daily Schedule

Okay, Let me get this straight. I am NOT a morning person AT ALL. I work at night because that frankly helps me get more work done since it's the time of silence and no one will be calling me for any errands. So Obviously I wake up pretty late in the day, As a Result, My Schedule is not bound to a specific time, yet it is bound to a time period. Above Attached is the Pic of a Schedule I used to. follow. I made it into a checklist form. Take inspiration and make your own.

4. Keep Your Phone Away No matter how much you try to deny it or try to justify it. Your Smartphone is the Biggest Distraction in your life and will be the biggest prevention between you and your Tasks/Goals. Keep it away for some time. Turn it on Airplane Mode (Of course not when you're expecting important phone calls) or at least Turn off your Internet so no notifications can distract you. The Easiest trick I find is to keep my phone away from me at least 1-2 hours after I wake up (whenever). Let it not be the first thing you check after your wake up.

5. Do NOT change your Regular Schedule If you're a person who already has/had a daily schedule. Do Not change it. Sure, it might seem really tempting to "just get a little bit more sleep" but it certainly becomes an unhealthy habit real fast. It will affect your Circadian Rhythms (body's own clock) in a bad way and will end up messing it all up.

6. Dress Up For the Day.

Me in My Home Studio

This is the Biggest Game Changer out of all the Tips here. Seems so simple yet effective. Dress up like you would for a regular workday. This Tricks your brain into thinking that you're actually going to work and helps to get your mindset right. Again sitting and working in your PJs might seem tempting. This puts your mind into a relaxing state and distractions will seem more evident than ever.

7. Use the 'Pomodoro Technique' of working. Another really helpful Tip. This Method is designed to break your work down into intervals and uses a timer. There are many interpretations of this method here. What I like the most and the most traditional interpretations is to break your work into 25 Minute Segments. Here's how it works - Work for 25 minutes, Then a 5-minute break, Repeat for 3-4 times, Then take a longer 15-20 minute break.

8. Make a To-Do List (Do Not Click Away!)

My To Do List

This is where you click away, I know this is the most boring part. Everybody, including your Dad talks about it. But Hear me out here. To-Do Lists are a great way to track your tasks on a day to day basis. I use a white board to to this. This keeps them large enough that I can see them when I walk by. Here's. some tips for you to optimize your To-Do List.

  • Keep your list limited to 5 Items or Less per Day! Analyze your tasks to the most important tasks and filter them to 5 or fewer. This will seem like a more realistic task for your mind and you won't be overwhelmed to look at it.

  • Prioritize your Tasks After you're done writing them out. Number them on the basis of what would take the most energy/mental pressure and do them first. That way you'll be releasing stress and not piling it up for the rest of the day, procrastinating.

  • Keep the list in front of you Another really obvious one but really effective. Keep your list where you can see it constantly. You feel more compelled to do your tasks when they are in front of you.

9. Keep a Journal (Optional) Jounrals can be used for a lots of things. One of the things I use my journals is to write my thoughts and keep a track of all the tasks. Whether I accomplished them or not. This is something I do very occasionally but I'm trying to stay regular about this.

These are some of the Tips that have helped me get some actual work done. These are somewhat subjective but I do suggest you to give it a try.

I get that these are hard times. But I wish you the absolute best for whatever you're doing. Stay Inside, Stay Safe, and if you're going out, still WEAR A MASK. Cheers



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